An archive of Institute News from 2023 News listing Search Publication date Date from Date to Volunteers needed to boost study into nation’s health 22 June, 20232023 Every adult and young person in Scotland is being invited to join a major study that will help… AI algorithms find drugs that could combat ageing 15 June, 20232023 Three drugs that could help stave off the effects of ageing have been discovered using artificial… Core genes for type 1 diabetes revealed 14 June, 20232023 Researchers have identified nine core genes that play a key role in increasing the risk of… Sara Brown joins the European Society for Dermatological Research board 09 June, 20232023 Professor Sara Brown has been elected to join the board of the largest dermatological research… Allele-specific protein complex assembly counteracts the dominant negative effect 01 June, 20232023 Mihaly Badonyi and the Joe Marsh Research Group at the MRC Human Genetics Unit propose through a… Shining a Light on Skin Cancer 26 May, 20232023 The Institute and Robertson Construction Central East joined forces for the week of Melanoma Monday… Double testing better at identifying bowel cancer 25 May, 20232023 The accuracy of detecting bowel cancer is increased to almost 100 per cent by carrying out a common… Life-saving cancer drug takes a major step closer to patient care 18 May, 20232023 A new drug candidate for hard-to-treat cancers, discovered at the University of Edinburgh and… Boost for bowel cancer research in Scotland as first surgical research chair appointed 21 April, 20232023 Farhat Din becomes Scotland’s first-ever Colorectal Cancer Surgical Research Chair in a bid to… Zebrafish Facility Team win College Community Engagement Award 17 April, 20232023 Winners of this year's College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Staff Recognition Awards… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This article was published on 2024-09-23