An archive of Institute News from 2023 News listing Search Publication date Date from Date to CGEM Away Day 2023 18 December, 20232023 The Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine gathered for their 2023 Away Day. LOCOME project awarded Innovate UK grant to improve diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS and Long COVID 15 December, 20232023 The MRC Human Genetics Unit are collaborating with PrecisionLife and Action for M.E. in an… DNA methylation rates linked to maximum lifespan in mammals 14 December, 20232023 Researchers from the MRC Human Genetics Unit show slower DNA methylation rates in longer lived… Professor Cathy Abbott named as co-director of Edinburgh Neuroscience 27 November, 20232023 Alongside Professor Malcolm MacLeod, Professor Abbott will lead the community of neuroscience… CGEM Away Day 2023 23 November, 20232023 The Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine gathered for their 2023 Away Day. Dervil Dockrell and Kathryn Berg named 2023 Ehlers-Danlos Support UK Community Champions 17 November, 20232023 The researchers were honoured at an award presentation at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer:… Sara Brown appointed to prestigious Grant Chair of Dermatology 15 November, 20232023 Clinical academic dermatologist Professor Sara Brown was awarded the historically significant… Shining a Light on Breast Cancer 27 October, 20232023 During Breast Cancer Awareness Month we look back at our public Shining a Light event: October 2023 Carol Monaghan MP visits DecodeME team 19 October, 20232023 The Shadow SNP Spokesperson for Education and Science, Innovation and Technology visited the MRC… 2023 Cross-Disciplinary Fellows welcomed 13 October, 20232023 Alina Kumukova, Andrii Iakovliev and Yavor Novev join the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This article was published on 2024-09-23