An archive of Institute News from 2023 News listing Search Publication date Date from Date to Renal Ciliopathies National Network launches 13 October, 20232023 The network, part of the £14 million MRC and NIHR funded UK Rare Disease National Platform, aims to… Local community welcomed for Doors Open Day 02 October, 20232023 The Institute of Genetics and Cancer welcomed nearly 200 visitors for Doors Open Day: September 2023 Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023 Awards 22 September, 20232023 Congratulations to Dr Elias Friman on receiving the Postdoc Recognition Award for Student… 2023 Hastie Career Advancement Fund and Early Career Awards winners announced 20 September, 20232023 Congratulations to Joanne Simpson and Simone Pelliciari, who were awarded grants from the Hastie… Celebrating Technician Week at the University of Edinburgh 15 September, 20232023 The essential work of technical staff has been highlighted through Technician Week events across… New potential treatments for polycystic liver disease 14 September, 20232023 In a Europe-wide research collaboration, groups at the MRC Human Genetics Unit joined forces to… Clinical trial begins for new cancer drug 13 September, 20232023 Clinical trials have begun for a drug candidate for hard-to-treat cancers, discovered at the… Generation Scotland continue recruitment drive with engagement and publicity 01 September, 20232023 Advertising campaign and engagement activities across Scotland contribute to over 6,500 new… AlveoGene: inhaled gene therapy spinout launches 01 September, 20232023 New spinout AlveoGene, focused on transforming rare respiratory disease outcomes using inhaled gene… Study identifies missing link in DNA replication initiation 31 August, 20232023 International team employs AlphaFold-Multimer to uncover the molecular role of the human disease… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This article was published on 2024-09-23