An archive of Institute News from 2022 News listing Search Publication date Date from Date to CSO award to Dr Kathy Evans to study Alzheimer’s disease 01 September, 20222022 A recent award from the Chief Scientist Office to Dr Kathy Evans will seek to understand the link… Human centromere repositioning activates transcription and opens chromatin fibre structure 01 September, 20222022 Summary: A team of researchers from the MRC Human Genetics Unit use neocentromeres as a model… Cohesin is required for long-distance but not proximal enhancer action 01 September, 20222022 Wendy Bickmore's team use protein degradation and synthetic activation approaches to… Our postdoctoral scientist completed IRONMAN Tallinn to raise funds for sarcoma research 01 September, 20222022 Our postdoctoral researcher Piotr Manasterski completed a gruelling IRONMAN Tallinn event to raise… IGC Langmuir Talent Development Fellowships in Cancer Research 01 September, 20222022 A new fund has been launched by the Institute of Genetics and Cancer to support early career… Therapy trial offers breast cancer patients hope 26 August, 20222022 Women with an early form of breast cancer are more likely to stay free of the disease after an… Professor Sara Brown performs in her first Edinburgh Fringe Show to a full house 18 August, 20222022 Dermatology Professor Sara Brown took part in an Edinburgh Fringe show as part of the Cabaret of… Work under way on new 4D cellular medicine research facilities to provide unprecedented insights into human disease 12 August, 20222022 Building work has commenced for the new building at the Western General Hospital site, which will… Ovarian carcinosarcoma as a distinct form of ovarian cancer 08 August, 20222022 Our investigators report detailed clinical and histopathological characterisation of the largest… New strategy to target cancer cells expressing PD-L1 05 August, 20222022 Edinburgh researchers report a ligand-tetrazine conjugate approach to “track & treat” malignant… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This article was published on 2024-09-23