News 2019

An archive of Institute News from 2019

News listing

Publication date

Developing and demonstrating public presentation skills

04 February, 20192019

The IGMM Heat of the 3MT Competition and “Do Your Looks Betray You?”: February 2019

International student visit from the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh (ZJE) Institute, China Collaborations in Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Informatics

04 February, 20192019

On 24 January, the IGMM was delighted to welcome 14 undergraduate students from the Zhejiang…

Understanding the genetic basis of stress-sensitivity and depression.

04 February, 20192019

In recent papers published in PLOS One and Translational Psychiatry, Dr Pippa Thomson describes…

People choose romantic partners with similar lifespan

01 February, 20192019

People tend to unwittingly choose a life partner with a comparable life expectancy, research…

Patients engage with research on Paget's Awareness Day

22 January, 20192019

Professor Stuart Ralston’s Bone Group, in collaboration with the Paget’s Association, invited…

Distinguishing acquired resistance from dormant tumours in neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer

16 January, 20192019

A study led by researchers from the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre sheds new light on…

Our researcher became the first female to win the Montane Spine Race!

07 January, 20192019

Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track/Cancer Research UK Fellow Jasmin Paris became the first female to…