University technicians recognised for vital work

The essential work of technical staff has been highlighted during Technician Week events at campuses across the University: September 2024

Jigsaw of technician roles

The Institute of Genetics and Cancer hosted several events on 4 September, including a fun, interactive and informative BSL Meet-and-Greet session led by Janette Dinse-Harrower and her BSL translator Beth, followed by a social networking event for IGC technicians. 

A symposium entitled ‘Celebrating WGH Technicians’ provided an overview of the impact of IGC and Western General Hospital technicians - both scientifically and in outreach and mentoring activities, with talks by both technicians and researchers. 

The day was rounded off with organised tours of the facilities at the IGC – including Histology, Tissue Bank, Zebrafish, Advanced Imaging Resource and the Welcome Trust Genetics Facility.

During the week, technicians from a variety of IGC facilities also featured in a series of blogs, and Zebrafish Facility Technician Charli Corcoran co-hosted the newly-launched Technically Edinburgh podcast.

Technicians in labs and facilities have a vital and integral role in research at the IGC. During Technician Week, we celebrated and acknowledged the impact that technicians have on the work, and also community and research culture, at the IGC.

Andrea Robertson

Lab Manager and Technician Champion


Read the Technician blogs

Listen to the Technically Edinburgh podcast
