Science Insights 2023

This activity-packed programme is for current S5 pupils interested in biological, biomedical and animal sciences, who will be entering S6 in August 2023. 

 The core programme outcome is to ensure equity of access to work experience, encouraging and facilitating pupils from areas of multiple deprivation, potentially first generation UG students, to apply.

 40 places are available and these will be assigned after the application closing date (Mon 1 May 2023) and NOT on a “first come, first served” basis. 

 There will be an online information session for teachers, pupils and parents on Thursday 16 March 2023 at 16.30. 

If pupils would like to apply for a place, they should complete the online application form by 17.00 on Monday 1 May 2023.  

Pupils selected to participate will attend an online welcome session on Wednesday 21 June 2023, from 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Any questions and/or if pupils require the form in a different format, please contact us: