
ESRIC super-resolution imaging systems: Nikon N-STORM 5 and SIM/SORA.

Our super-resolution systems form part of our award winning Edinburgh Super Resolution Interdisciplinary Consortium (ESRIC) project, together with our partners at Heriot-Watt University. For information about the equipment at Heriot-Watt, please visit the ESRIC website. For detailed technical information for academic ESRIC users please follow this link. As part of ESRIC we offer an annual international training school endorsed by the Royal Microscopial Society. To celebrate our research achievements and widen the ESRIC network, the Institute of Genetics and Cancer hosts and annual symposium. For more information please follow ESRIC on Twitter: @ESRIC_Imaging

N-STORM 5 system

N-Storm 5 super-resolution system
N-Storm 5 super-resolution system

Modality: Single molecule localisation microscopy, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence,

Lasers (nm): 405, 488, 561, 640

Filters (widefield): DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, RFP, AF647

Objectives: 100x oil – for cells, 100x Silicone suitable for tissues, 10x



SORA / N-SIM system

Nikon hybrid SORA / N-SIM super-resolution system
Nikon hybrid SORA / N-SIM super-resolution system

Modality: Structured Illumination Super-resolution Imaging, live and fixed

Lasers (nm): 405, 488, 561, 640

Objectives: 100x oil – for cells, 100x Silicone suitable for tissues, 10x

Application: Structured Illumination Super-resolution Imaging