Slide Scanning

Details of the Zeiss AxioScan and Nanozoomer slide scanner and analysis.


Zeiss Axioscan slide scanner
Zeiss Axioscan slide scanner

Modality Fluorescent and Brightfield slide scanning -

Fluorophores. DAPI, FITC, Texas Red, TRITC, Cy5 + BF

Manufacturer Hammamatsu

Objectives 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x

Software Zeiss Zen Black

Application: High throughput slide scanning, up to 200 slides

The Axioscan slide scanner is located in CG06B. For assistance with analysis please contact Laura Murphy.



Hammamatsu slide scanner

Modality Brightfield slide scanning -

Fluorophores NA

Manufacturer Hammamatsu

Objectives 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x

Software NDP-image, QuPath

Application: High throughput slide scanning, upto 240 slides

The Nanozoomer slide scanner is located in the Pathology lab and is overseen by Helen Caldwell. For assistance with analysis please contact Laura Murphy.