Virtual Meeting - MRC Human Genetics Unit Symposium: Aberrant Cell State Transitions in Human Disease

A goal of the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh is to understand disease at the level of the gene, cell and cellular environment. Studying single cells is allowing us to characterize and understand cell states that are relevant to disease. We feel that the scientific community is now at an inflection point where the available experimental and analytical techniques will allow significant insight to be gained into the biology of human disease.

Session themes include single cell insights into human genetic disease and cancer, and emerging approaches to biological/mechanistic follow up of single cell findings.

Due to COVID-19 this meeting will now be held via Zoom. We are grateful to all of our speakers for their flexibility and look forward to welcoming you online.

Programme now available

Confirmed Speakers

Tamir Chandra - University of Edinburgh

Ana Cvejic - University of Cambridge

Naomi Habib - Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Muzlifah Haniffa - University of Newcastle

Neil Henderson - University of Edinburgh

Timothee Lionnet - NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Jean-Christophe Marine - VIB KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology

John Marioni - EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

Kathy Niakan - Francis Crick Institute

Liz Patton - University of Edinburgh

Bushra Raj – Harvard University

Magnus Rattray - University of Manchester

Catalina Vallejos - University of Edinburgh

Meeting Organisers

Wendy Bickmore

Tamir Chandra

David FitzPatrick

Helen Nickerson

Liz Patton

Chris Ponting

Catalina Vallejos  

Abstract submission now closed


Registration Category Price (GBP)
Regular rate £20
Student rate



Registration deadline: September 18 2020

Meeting sponsorship:

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