Vacation research opportunities

Vacation research opportunities at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer.


The Institute of Genetics and Cancer (formerly the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine) and its individual centres (MRC Human Genetics Unit, Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre and Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine) invite students to join us for research experience over the summer vacation. Across the institute there is a wide range of laboratory and computation research labs.

If you are interested in joining us please contact a group leader to find out whether they have a suitable opportunity. All research groups are listed at:

MRC Human Genetics Unit

Edinburgh Cancer Research

Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine

Most labs do not have funding for summer studentships but there are a number of grants available here: Undergraduate vacation scholarship funding opportunities | Edinburgh Neuroscience

As part of the Vacation Studentship programme, all visiting students will be invited to participate in a one day symposium on TBC. As part of the programme we will invite speakers to present their research and talk about PhD opportunities across the UK. In addition students will be given an opportunity to present their own work, as either a poster or short talk.