Postgraduate study opportunities, including PhDs and Masters programmes The Institute provides an outstanding training environment, with state of the art facilities and a variety of opportunities for postgraduate research study. There is a great sense of community within the Institute of Genetics and Cancer, with over a hundred postgraduate students and a thriving postgraduate society (POGs) which runs career talks, social events and an annual scientific retreat.Current PhD and MSc opportunities are advertised regularly. Programme information PhD studentships at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. Drug discovery project to target kinases involved in brain cancer Applications now closed. Molecular profiling of altered cell states in renal ciliopathies Applications now open. MRC four-year International PhD programme: Human Genetics, Genomics and Disease Applications now closed. PhD Opportunities for Medical Students and Clinicians Research training for undergraduate and postgraduate medical trainees and clinicians. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship Applications now closed. Precision Medicine PhD Projects Applications now closed. Vacation research opportunities Vacation research opportunities at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. Institute of Genetics and Cancer Early Career Award Funding to support activities related to your research within the Institute through a competitive grant scheme. Student and supervisor information Information for graduate students and supervisors. Masters programmes Information for prospective Masters students. Life at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer Our vibrant community and benefits for those who work or study in the Institute. Why study in Edinburgh? Find out why Edinburgh is regularly voted as one of the most desirable places to live in the world. This article was published on 2024-09-23