TRAM PhD Projects

A list of available PhD projects offered as part of the TRAM MB-PhD Programme are displayed below

PhD Project TitleSupervisor and Location
Investigating the transcription factor FoxO1 in synovial fibroblasts

Dr Fraser Collins: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Professor Cosimo De Bari: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Developmental programming of salivary gland immune cells in Sjögren’s Syndrome

Dr Elaine Emmerson: Institute for Regeneration & Repair, Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh  

Dr Rebecca Gentek: Institute for Regeneration & Repair, Centre for Reproductive Health/Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh

Unravelling Methotrexate osteopathy

Dr Barbara Hauser: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, Univeristy of Edinburgh

Dr Athina Spiliopoulou: Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh

Dr Erika Kague: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Leveraging the “omnigenic model” and zebrafish for identifying and testing core genes in Osteoarthritis

Dr Erika Kague: Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine, Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Professor Paul McKeigue: Usher Institute/Institute of Genetic and Cancer, University of Edinburgh 

Investigating the role of Enpp1 deficiency in osteoporosis.

Dr Vicky MacRae, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh

Professor Patrick Hadoke, Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Edinburgh

Does ENPP1 regulate bone mineralisation via altered mitochondrial function?

Dr Vicky MacRae, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh

Dr Mathew Horrocks, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh

Molecular regulation of stem and progenitor cell fate in the repair of skeletal joints.

Dr Anke Roelofs: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Professor Cosimo De Bari: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Characterising treatment strategies and health outcomes for conventional and biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) used in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases

Dr Athina Spiliopoulou: Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh

Naomi Scott: NHS Lothian

Dr Barbara Hauser: Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh

Project Summaries

Investigating the transcription factor FoxO1 in synovial fibroblasts (Collins & De Bari)

Developmental programming of salivary gland immune cells in Sjögren’s Syndrome (Emmerson & Gentek)

Unravelling Methotrexate osteopathy (Hauser, Spiliopolou & Kague))

Leveraging the “omnigenic model” and zebrafish for identifying and testing core genes in Osteoarthritis (Kague & McKeigue)

Investigating the role of Enpp1 deficiency in osteoporosis. (MacRae & Hadoke)

Does ENPP1 regulate bone mineralisation via altered mitochondrial function? (MacRae & Horrocks)

Molecular regulation of stem and progenitor cell fate in the repair of skeletal joints (Roelofs & De Bari)

Characterising treatment strategies and health outcomes for conventional and biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) used in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (Spiliopolou, Scott & Hauser)