Applications now open for 2025 intake We are excited to advertise this Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship for the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. To apply for an individual project, please click the link below the project title and submit an online application via our degree finder. Closing date for applications is 28 April 2025.Please make sure you also apply for the EDCS scholarship funding after applying to the programme, guidance can be found here - Applying for a scholarship as a Postgraduate applicant | The University of EdinburghInformal enquires should be made to the supervisors of individual projects or PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS:Dr. Gerry Brien and Dr. Willem Vanderlinden - Discovering molecular mechanisms of disease in incurable childhood brain tumoursProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr. Tom Deegan - Helper helicases in human genome replicationProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr. Robb Hollis and Dr. Peter Bankhead - Exploring the potential of pathomics in aiding risk stratification and therapeutic selection for patients with endometrioid ovarian cancerProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr. Erika Kague, Dr Francesco Turci and Dr Davide Michieletto - Physics-informed modelling of osteocytes network formationProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr. Hannah Long and Prof. Joe Marsh - Integrating AI, Biophysical Modelling and Experimental Validation for Enhancer Variant InterpretationProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr David Noble, Prof. Bill Nailon, Prof. Duncan McLaren and Dr Archie MacNair - MODEL - Multi-dimensional Outcome moDELling in Prostate CancerProgramme link to apply for this project: Dr. Ansgar Zoch - Understanding chromatin remodelling at piRNA-targeted transposonsProgramme link to apply for this project: This article was published on 2024-09-23